Test Plus
- 5 tips for preventing and reversing Alzheimer's *
- 5 tips to optimal health and fitness *
- Brain Typing Newsletter membership
- Brain Type Test with full report and tips
- Lifetime access to your results page
- Brain type-specific updates, videos and notifications
- Sugars/sweeteners chart
- Clean 13 food chart
- Dirty 30 food chart
- Sad/Rad food chart
- Nutrition strategy timeline

Basic Test
- 5 tips for preventing and reversing Alzheimer's *
- 5 tips to optimal health and fitness *
- Brain Typing Newsletter membership
- Brain Type Test with full report and tips
- Lifetime access to your results page

2 Free Reports
Free Because we want you to have them!
- 5 tips for preventing and reversing Alzheimer's *
- 5 tips to optimal health and fitness *
- Brain Typing Newsletter membership