If you have been following this site, this post might seem off-topic or random. Well, I'm a ham radio nerd too, so that's why it's here. If you're …
Discussing Vaccines Rationally
Most people who believe vaccines are safe and effective do not know that: Zero percent of the vaccines on the market have been properly tested. …
Trump is no Josiah – He’s more like a Jehu…
I am a Christian, conservative, libertarian, and patriot. As you might expect, I have a number of friends who are the same. I'm getting mildly …
Money rarely makes you happy, but here’s what always does.
As a full-time personal trainer since 1987, I have been around a lot of rich people and have observed that money doesn't make anyone happier, despite …
Peege’s top 21 hacks to live a superhuman life
Have you ever dreamt about being superhuman? Well, you might not ever leap tall buildings or master invisibility, but you can feel like a superhuman …
The Dangers of Consensus
Once any theory becomes "consensus," it can be very hard to change or ever challenge it, and in some cases, can even be dangerous and risky to the …
Plandemic Amnesty
You may have heard about the recent article in The Atlantic, by Emily Oster, where she made a plea for amnesty to be granted to those who designed and …
The Borg is Real
If you are over the age of 40, you most likely know about the Borg on Star Trek. They are a "race" of semi-cyborg beings plugged into a central queen, …
The Superheroes of Today
Even the evilest of tyrants have to admire those who withstood the greatest vaccine pressure in the history of our world. These pressures came from …
Here Comes the Moneypox
No, I didn't spell Monkeypox wrong. I just dropped the K because It's turning out to be an even bigger scam than the whole COVID scheme. Yes, COVID …